Merry Maids of Holyoke Cleaning for Women With Cancer
By Stacey Schwinghammer
Holyoke, Massachusetts – April 11, 2016 – Merry Maids of Holyoke is a locally-owned and operated cleaning franchise that has teamed up with Cleaning For A Reason, an international nonprofit foundation. The company individualizes cleaning services to their clients. Over 30 years of experience has taught Merry Maids that every home is as unique as the people living there. A Merry Maids representative will contact their clients to get a better understanding of their home and cleaning requirements. Providing worry-free service you can count on time and time again, Merry Maids’ professional office staff and home cleaners take pride in serving the residents of the communities where they live.
“Upon hearing about Cleaning For A Reason and doing a little research, I was amazed,” stated owner Kevin Tomlinson. “To be able to help my community and make someone’s life a little easier is a very humbling experience. Providing our services for a few hours a month to help someone in need knowing that this will contribute to the health and well-being of someone dealing with cancer makes me proud of my company and staff. I am committed to providing four cleanings a month—and want to make a difference for these patients.”
Merry Maids of Holyoke has agreed to help women battling cancer by cleaning at least four homes per month for four consecutive months at no charge. The only requirement is that the homes be within the company’s existing service area throughout Holyoke. For more information about this company, go to www.merrymaidsholyoke.com.
In partnership with maid services throughout the United States and Canada, Cleaning For A Reason is celebrating 10 years of dedicated service to women battling cancer. Together, these two forces offer free house cleaning to meet the needs of women, and since 2006, have donated more than $5.7 million in free services, helping more than 21,000 women with cancer. Based in Lewisville, TX, Cleaning For A Reason works with more than 1,200 professional cleaning companies and continues to grow and gain support. To learn more about Cleaning For A Reason and to apply for free house cleaning, see www.cleaningforareason.org.