Ammon Man Opens House-Cleaning Service in Eastern Idaho
By Rett Nelson, EastIdahoNews.com
Ammon man is ready to clean house with Merry Maids
Idaho Falls, ID – September 11, 2024 – Dan Sheets is ready to clean house.
The 40-year-old Ammon man is the owner of a new house-cleaning service in eastern Idaho called Merry Maids. The national franchise opened in Omaha, Nebraska, 45 years ago, according to its website, and Sheets opened his office at 2285 East 25th Street in Idaho Falls on Aug. 19.

His team of four employees is able to serve customers from St. Anthony to Lava Hot Springs, but they’re currently focusing on the Idaho Falls area.
“It’s a large market and a market that’s growing a lot. There’s a lot of potential here,” Sheets tells EastIdahoNews.com.
Sheets’ customers range from older people who aren’t able to do detailed house cleaning to two-income households who don’t have time to do it themselves.
Sheets and his wife, who is an Idaho Falls native, recently moved here to be closer to family. He was in the Air Force for 10 years before working for several tech companies in the Silicon Valley.
They were looking for their own house cleaners when they moved here and learned of several mom-and-pop operations that had steady work.
“A lot of these companies weren’t even taking on new clients. They were too busy,” Sheets says.
Seeing the number of people who were moving to the area, Sheets did some research to determine whether there was a need for a home-cleaning service. His career has always revolved around helping people, and that inspired him to look into it.
“There’s demand in this area (for this kind of service) and I think this demand is going to continue to grow,” he says. “This is an opportunity to take the strength of having a franchised business that’s been in business for decades … and bring it to a local market that is run, owned and operated by a local family.”

Since launching the business, Sheets has heard one of his clients say she’s a better mom because she has more time to spend with her kids. Several older clients enjoy the cleaners’ company.
Hearing these types of reactions are what make the job rewarding for Sheets.
He also enjoys giving back by providing free house-cleaning services to cancer patients with the help of a nonprofit called Cleaning For a Reason.
“In our first month of operation, we’ve visited two cancer patients and provided free house-cleaning services to help them during this difficult time,” says Sheets. “We also donated a number of cleanings to veterans organizations, as well as the Bonneville County Fire Department. We want to be a company that helps lift up the community.”
He wants the business to continue to grow and hopes to eventually open another market in Idaho, Utah or Wyoming.
For a free quote or to learn more, call (208) 776-6243 or visit the website.

Original Source: https://www.eastidahonews.com/2024/09/man-opens-house-cleaning-service-in-eastern-idaho/