Rise and Shine Cleaning Service Making a Difference for Women With Cancer
By Stacey Schwinghammer
Portland, Oregon – May 23, 2014 – Rise and Shine Cleaning Service is a new family-owned and operated residential cleaning company that has teamed up with Cleaning For A Reason, an international nonprofit foundation. Their house cleaning staff is professionally trained, bonded, and covered by workers compensation insurance. The housekeepers share the company’s philosophy of complete customer satisfaction.
Owners Debbie Burnham and Eric Emms state, “During the process of setting up our business venture, we stumbled across Cleaning For A Reason and instantly knew that we had to partner with this organization. Having watched a parent suffer with cancer for years and eventually lose the battle, we know how simple daily tasks can become unbearable. If we can make a difference even with one patient’s life by doing what we do every day and make their life just a little bit easier, then that is a success for us.”
The company has agreed to help women battling cancer by cleaning two homes per month for four consecutive months at no charge. The only requirement is that the homes be within the company’s existing service area of Beaverton, northwest Portland, Tigard, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, and southwest Washington. For more information about this company, go to www.shine-this.com.
Cleaning For A Reason strives to aid women who are battling cancer by teaming up with cleaning services across the United States and Canada. Together, these two forces offer free maid services to meet the needs of women, and since 2006, have donated more than $4.2 million in free services, helping more than 14,000 women. Based in Lewisville, TX, Cleaning For A Reason works with more than 1,000 residential cleaning services and continues to grow and gain support. To learn more about Cleaning For A Reason and to apply for free house cleaning, see www.cleaningforareason.org.