Weather Delays Camp Crystal Debut in Mat-Su
Organizers say the show will go on, eventually. Watch video at https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/2024/10/19/weather-delays-camp-crystal-debut-mat-su/
Wasilla, AK (KTUU) – Oct. 19, 2024 – As another round of wind whips through the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, radio personality Erin-She — who inherited Anchorage‘s Billy Stapleton’s Halloween display known as Camp Crystal — takes stock of which decorations need repairing.
“A lot of the decorations that we had put out blew over,” Erin said. “Some of them broke again and, you know, it’s just an ongoing battle with the elements of Alaska.”
Erin had planned to have the display ready for public viewing last weekend, but rain, hail, and windy weather stifled any major progress. She and the group of volunteers that had gathered to assist with setup had to call it an early day last Saturday.
“We actually had an amazing amount of people show up, but the wind was not cooperating,” Erin said. “We [still] got a lot of things done.”
The display was donated to Erin by Stapleton after recent health issues made it difficult for him to continue the tradition.
Stapleton has been using the interactive Halloween display for years to spread awareness about youth homelessness, something he said he battled growing up.
The new setup of the display in the Valley leads up to a trunk-or-treat event — called the Matsuvian Monster Bash — taking place on Oct. 26. The event is free to the public, which Erin said was important to her to encourage people to make donations for Kids Cupboard, a Wasilla-based nonprofit providing free meals to food insecure children.
Erin said there will also be a haunted house at the bash that will cost $1.00 per entry with proceeds going to Cleaning For A Reason, a nonprofit that provides free house cleanings for cancer patients.
After learning that Erin would be taking it over and bringing it out to the Mat-Su, Amber Glasser — the director of operations at Everett’s Restaurant in Wasilla — immediately offered up the restaurant’s large property to house it.
“I‘m just happy to donate the space and I think it’s really important to do things like this for the community because it keeps us all united,” Glasser said. “And have a family-fun event that doesn’t cost anything.”
Glasser also said the trunk-or-treat is a great way to get local businesses together to promote their services and interact with local residents.
While weather has led to some minor setbacks, Erin said the show will go on. She plans to continue setting up the display after the current round of wind dies down Sunday, encouraging residents to come out and help if they’re able.
“If you have a hammer, if you have a screw gun, we had some pieces and props break,” Erin said. “We’re going to be doing some repairs on those and just come out with a good attitude and get ready to get in the spirit.”
Erin said residents can check the K-HITZ 107.1 Facebook page for updates on volunteer opportunities.
She also said that despite what the weather may do on the day of the trunk-or-treat, festivities will still occur in the restaurant’s pavilion and lower level.
Original Source: https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/2024/10/19/weather-delays-camp-crystal-debut-mat-su/