Tidy Keepers Express Cleaning for Women Battling Cancer
By Stacey Schwinghammer
Columbia, Missouri – June 19, 2016 – Tidy Keepers Express, LLC is a small local residential and commercial cleaning company that has teamed up with Cleaning For A Reason, an international nonprofit foundation. The company is customer service driven offering a high quality service at affordable rates. The cleaning services are thorough, consistent, and customized. Tidy Keepers Express promises a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee.
“I was introduced to Cleaning For A Reason through the Association of Residential Cleaning Services International,” stated owner Michta Eudy. “My family has been personally affected by cancer. My grandmother, Patricia Lorna Green, passed away from stomach cancer in July of 2013. Joining Cleaning For A Reason is my way of honoring her memory. It was one of the hardest and most challenging periods of my life. We were very close, and it was very difficult to see the cancer slowly take over. I know simply spending time with family quickly becomes a priority over the little things like cleaning. I hope to offer a small sense of relief to women and their families struggling with cancer.”
Tidy Keepers Express has agreed to help women battling cancer by cleaning two homes per month for four consecutive months at no charge. The only requirement is that the homes be within the company’s existing service area of Columbia. For more information about this company, go to TidyKeepersExpress.com.
In partnership with maid services throughout the United States and Canada, Cleaning For A Reason is celebrating 10 years of dedicated service to women battling cancer. Together, these two forces offer free house cleaning to meet the needs of women, and since 2006, have donated more than $5.8 million in free services, helping more than 21,000 women with cancer. Based in Lewisville, TX, Cleaning For A Reason works with more than 1,200 professional cleaning companies and continues to grow and gain support. To learn more about Cleaning For A Reason and to apply for free house cleaning, see www.cleaningforareason.org.